Digital Asset | Description |
GitHub Code Snippet Repository | Every snippet in the book is stored here for easy retrieval and implementation. |
Visual Studio Code Download | Microsoft's Visual Studio Code is the software used throughout Python QuickStart Guide. Download the software here and begin coding right away! |
Python Download | What would Python QuickStart Guide be without Python itself? Download Python at the attached link. |
Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet PDF | This quick reference PDF includes common symbols and text combinations used in regular expressions (regex). |
List of Built-In Exceptions PDF | Running into errors with your code? Check out this list of built-in exceptions to quickly diagnose and troubleshoot any errors you might come across. |
Logging Formats Reference | Logging tells you what's going on inside of a program. This reference, direct from Python, provides you with different ways to use logging and the types of formatting available. |
String Formatting Reference | This reference, also directly from Python, provides a look at the different options for string formatting along with descriptions of each. |
Python Documentation | All of the raw documentation and nuts-and-bolts information about Python, how it works, and what it can do |
sTunes Database | This sample database is used briefly in Python QuickStart Guide. Follow the download instructions included in your text to utilize this ZIP file |
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QuickClip Video Reference Library
Check out the links below to access the QuickClips that are referenced in Python QuickStart Guide. You can also access these videos by scanning the QR code or typing in the URL provided in your book.
QuickClip Number | Description |
QuickClip #1 | Introduction: Robert Oliver discusses how to install Python on Windows, macOS, and Linux |
QuickClip #2 | Chapter 1: An over-the-shoulder view to assist with the first section of the ClydeBank Coffee Shop Simulator 4000 game |
QuickClip #3 | Chapter 3: An interactive tour of how nested loops work |
QuickClip #4 | Chapter 6: A closer look at the CoffeeShopSimulator class |
QuickClip #5 | Chapter 10: Robert discusses what made regular expressions click for him |
QuickClip #6 | Chapter 14: Listen to some of Robert's advice and stories about common issues faced when debugging code |
QuickClip #7 | Chapter 18: Another over-the-shoulder style video about cloning the Python source code from the QuickStart Guides GitHub Code Repository. |
QuickClip #8 | About the Author: Meet Robert Oliver, Author of Python QuickStart Guide |
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