Digital AssetDescription
Game Tracker Spreadsheet Use this Google Sheet to keep a record of all your gameplay so you can analyze and enhance your strategies over time
Game Tracker Spreadsheet Tutorial Everything you need to know to get the most out of your Game Tracker spreadsheet
Time Management Spreadsheet Time management is key to winning games! Use this tracker to see the average amount of time spent per move
Questions to Ask Yourself Cheat Sheet Use this list of questions to enhance your gameplay and think critically about each move you make

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Opening Traps to Avoid - Video Reference Library

Click each drop-down item below to access exclusive videos from author Tyler Cruz, designed to enhance your experience with Chess QuickStart Guide.

Each video takes a close look at popular opening traps and common mistakes to avoid.

Opening Trap #1 - The Fool's Mate
Opening Trap #2 - The Scholar's Mate
Opening Trap #3 - The Wayward Queen Attack
Opening Trap #4 - The Fried Liver Attack
Opening Trap #5 - The Damiano Defense
Opening Trap #6 - The Noah's Ark Trap
Opening Trap #7 - Legal's Mate
Opening Trap #8 - The Fishing Pole Trap

QuickClip Video Reference Library

Check out the links below to access the QuickClips that are referenced in Python QuickStart Guide. You can also access these videos by scanning the QR code or typing in the URL provided in your book.

QuickClip Number
QuickClip #1Introduction: Robert Oliver discusses how to install Python on Windows, macOS, and Linux 
QuickClip #2Chapter 1: An over-the-shoulder view to assist with the first section of the ClydeBank Coffee Shop Simulator 4000 game 
QuickClip #3Chapter 3: An interactive tour of how nested loops work 
QuickClip #4Chapter 6: A closer look at the CoffeeShopSimulator class 
QuickClip #5Chapter 10: Robert discusses what made regular expressions click for him 
QuickClip #6Chapter 14: Listen to some of Robert's advice and stories about common issues faced when debugging code 
QuickClip #7Chapter 18: Another over-the-shoulder style video about cloning the Python source code from the QuickStart Guides GitHub Code Repository. 
QuickClip #8About the Author: Meet Robert Oliver, Author of Python QuickStart Guide 

QuickClips Video Reference Library

Click each drop-down item below to access exclusive QuickClips videos from author Tyler Cruz, designed to enhance your experience with Chess QuickStart Guide.

You can also access these videos by scanning the QR code or typing in the URL provided in your book.

QuickClip NumberDescription
QuickClip #1Chapter 1: Author and Chess Expert, Tyler Cruz demonstrates how to set up a chess board properly
QuickClip #2Chapter 3: An overview of the rules of castling
QuickClip #3Chapter 4: How to use scoresheets to track gameplay
QuickClip #4Chapter 5: The Desperado Motif
QuickClip #5Chapter 5: The Double Check Motif
QuickClip #6Chapter 9: Using a digital chess clock
QuickClip #7Chapter 11: Checkmate with Queen vs. King
QuickClip #1 - Chapter 1 - How to Set Up Your Chess Board
QuickClip #2 - Chapter 3 - Rules of Castling
QuickClip #3 - Chapter 4 - How to Use Scoresheets
QuickClip #4 - Chapter 5 - The Desperado Motif
QuickClip #5 - Chapter 5 - The Double Check Motif
QuickClip #6 - Chapter 9 - Using a Digital Chess Clock
QuickClip #7 - Chapter 11 - Checkmate with Queen vs. King

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