Digital AssetDescription
Crypto Portfolio Manager Experienced crypto investors know that knowledge is power. This helpful tool brings all your crypto investments together into one place for an at-a-glance look at performance no matter whether your coins are stored in one or more wallets or exchanges.
Crypto Research and Analysis Link Library All investments, crypto or otherwise, require due diligence. Use these resources curated by the author himself to evaluate mainstream coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum, alt coins, and more when considering whether or not to invest.
List of Major CryptocurrenciesEasily reference the names, consensus mechanisms, symbols, and launch dates of major cryptocurrencies.

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QuickClip Video Reference Library

Check out the links below to access the QuickClips that are referenced in Python QuickStart Guide. You can also access these videos by scanning the QR code or typing in the URL provided in your book.

QuickClip Number
QuickClip #1Chapter 2: A summary on the differences between centralized, decentralized, and distributed computer networks
QuickClip #2Chapter 3: A discussion about "nonce"—what it is and what it does
QuickClip #3Chapter 4: Is crypto an alternative form of money or a new type of investment?
QuickClip #4Chapter 5: Comparing and contrasting Bitcoin and Ethereum
QuickClip #5Chapter 7: A recap on Tokens
QuickClip #6Chapter 14: What does the future hold for cryptocurrency?

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